Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Two Great Articles

I received this month's Christianity Today in the mail yesterday and there are two great articles that I I thought were worth sharing.

The first article is by Mark Moring and is about the upcoming ABC show, GCB. Mark does a great job of using the premise of the show, gossip in the church, to encourage everyone to ask the question, "Do I ever do that? Am I guilty of gossip?" This article is so well written, and also eye opening to how greatly the major sin of gossip can make the church look like hypocrites to the outside world, that I am now considering watching the show even though I had previously not had any desire to see it. You can read the article in its entirety by clicking here.

The second article is by my favorite contributing author to Christianity Today: Leslie Leyland Fields. Leslie takes a humorous look at the small, controlled, portion sizes of the communion and wonders if we haven't become legalists in following Paul's instructions to the Corinthians and thereby have missed the fact that the first Lord's Supper was just that, a meal. That article is found by clicking here.

1 comment:

Absoblogginlutely! said...

As a young kid I grew up with perfectly precut 1/2cm cubed slices of white bread. Like you said - hardly a meal and far from the original thought. I did get to drink the left over grape juice after the service though.